TN Trucking Association Packages
Data Facts is the TN Trucking Association
Provider of Choice for Background Screening

DOT Basic Package
(plus any applicable fees)
NCDS w/ Alias + Verification of Hits + 7 Year County Criminal
DOT Drug & Alcohol Verification ($8 per verification)
DOT Urine Drug Test
DOT Expanded Package
(plus any applicable fees)
NCDS w/ Alias + Verification of Hits + 7 Year County Criminal
DOT Drug & Alcohol Verification ($8 per verification)
DOT Urine Drug Test
FMCSA Clearinghouse Queries
Set Up Fee ($75), Annual Maintenance Fee ($29)
Set Up Fee ($75), Annual Maintenance Fee ($29)
*County court access fees will be added to the price of the search. A limited number of states (including New York, Maine, Vermont, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories) will be upgraded to a statewide search. State access fees will be passed through.
**Fees from automated systems will be passed through.